Banana-Coconut Bread

The smell of banana bread coming out of the oven cannot be beat!  It’s one of my fave go-to breads, and I never make it the same way.  Here, I decided to give it a little island kick by throwing in some toasted, unsweetened, shredded coconut.  This banana bread was so moist and delicious – … Continue reading

Brain Food

When I was a student going through my nutrition classes, I had the opportunity to work with Evelyn Tribole for a year on her book, The Ultimate Omega-3 Diet.  I would spend hours sorting through research articles, looking at how many milligrams of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids certain foods contain, and test out some … Continue reading

A Shopper’s Breakfast

If you’re like me, someone who gets a little hypoglycemic in the middle of running errands and shopping, you’d want to prevent an episode of “FEED ME…NOW!!!”, especially if you’re with your loved ones :).  I’m definitely not a sunshine girl when low blood sugar hits!  So, this morning, to prep for a day of … Continue reading