Jackfruit and Banana Shake

I’m in California at the present moment, hanging out with friends and family, and going to Disneyland! It’s the season for jackfruit and I love eating this fruit fresh (rather than canned).  It looks similar to durian, but not with that funky smell or custard-like texture. It’s firm, and many people have likened the taste … Continue reading

Blueberry Orange Smoothie

I LOVE smoothies!  And lately, I’ve been making one daily, using the fresh summer fruits I’ve been getting at the market, and just adding a few other ingredients to make it a fun snack or breakfast.  I don’t really measure out the ingredients because I just add a little as I go, adjusting after I … Continue reading

Cucumber-Ginger Water

Are you a soda junkie?  Love those sweetened iced teas that you can get at your work’s cafeteria or gas station? How about this: a 12-ounce can of regular soda has about 140 calories, all of them coming from sugar.  I’ll put it to you straight: that’s NINE TEASPOONS OF SUGAR, empty calories going down … Continue reading

Sunshine in a Cup: Pina Colada Smoothie

I’ve been on a little smoothie kick lately, and love to blend my favorite fruits along with some plain, nonfat yogurt for a quick breakfast or afternoon snack.  You still will retain the fiber in the fruits and get some satiety and staying power with the protein in the yogurt.  Add a little honey or … Continue reading

Coffee Granita and Grounds for Thought

How many of us think about where our food comes from?  Ignorance is bliss.  Like that one time, years back, when I ate veal and later discovered how veal was actually raised.  Needless to say, I haven’t eaten it ever since.  More and more, I find myself questioning the origins of the food on my … Continue reading

Sangria and Memories

In 2006, I went to Spain to visit my little brother who was studying (or should I say, traveling and partying year-round) in Madrid.  It was a great brother-sister trip – we hung out in Madrid and Barcelona, then flew to Lyon, France, and met up with our cousin, who then went with us to … Continue reading

Pink Muscato Magnolia for Brunch?

Like the mimosa or the bellini, I decided to stir up some trouble this morning with a Pink Muscato Magnolia!  Never heard of it?  Well, it’s because I just made this version up.  A regular Magnolia (I Googled it) has watermelon pucker, Dr. Pepper, and grenadine in it, but mine is totally different.  Magnolias are … Continue reading

Good morning, Mocha Java

*Sigh.*  How I heart Saturday mornings.  Unlike Sunday, where you wake up and think, “Ay, tomorrow’s Monday, I gotta finish up everything I didn’t get to on Saturday,” I get to be a little more slow-paced today.  It’s kinda windy, not good for surfing conditions.  Basically, the wind displaces the energy in the waves and … Continue reading

Orange Blossom Iced Tea

I first tried orange blossom water at a Lebanese restaurant in Old Town Orange a long time ago (anyone know if it’s still there?).  The food was so good, and I remember my coworker at the time ordered me the orange blossom water.  It was so perfumy and lovely-tasting, but I never encountered it again.  … Continue reading