Rosemary Shortbread Cookies

A few years ago, my friend Phi made rosemary cookies and I remembered they were so good.  They were slightly addicting!  Who knew rosemary would work so well in a cookie?  I wanted to recreate the shortbread using an old recipe for my Earl Grey tea cookies, this time using rosemary instead of Earl Grey … Continue reading

Whole-wheat chocolate chip cookies

The holiday baking commences!  This year, I have a lot to bake for.  It’s my last week in rehab, so I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, a therapist’s favorite.  I adapted Alice Currah’s recipe for that, since she promises they’re the best cookies ever.  Yes, a healthy diet means you can indulge and have … Continue reading

Happy Birthday, Baby!

My baby turns one! Hallelujah, I am so happy, to have a beautiful little girl filled with so much joy. I celebrate the small miracles, but here is a big one! I have been wondering for a while if I should make a cake with whole eggs in it.  Some of you may know that … Continue reading

Sweet Corn Muffins, but not with Avocado Icing!

Last week, my sister-in-law said to me, “Have you ever thought of avocado icing with cornbread-type muffins?”  I have thought of it, once, and remember Alton Brown once making the frosting before.  His icing looked a little runny and I thought we could toughen it up with some Neufchatel cream cheese.  And cornbread muffins – … Continue reading

Pumpkin Bread with Almonds

I’m in a pumpkin mood today!  It must be that fall is here but it’s still hot as heck here in Texas.  I came across a recipe for Pumpkin-Cranberry Muffins from Cooking Light and totally changed it to fit what I had.  I also cut the sugar too, and the result was a moist, light … Continue reading

Sprinkles Cupcakes – mini version!

What I like to do to cut calories is not avoidance – it’s decreasing the portion size of things!  My hubs bought me a canister of Sprinkles cupcake mix in D.C. a few weeks ago.  So when my old roomies (Marie, Trish, Bee, and Meesh) came to Texas this weekend for a visit, I broke … Continue reading

Honeyed Yogurt and Blueberry Tart with Ginger Crust

Earlier this year when I was in the hospital, my friends would send me cookbooks in the mail.  One friend, Ngoc, sent me a food & wine annual 2010 cookbook that had a bunch of recipes in it.  I’ve been meaning to make something from it ever since.  This weekend, my friend Kym came over … Continue reading

Ginger-Buttermilk Sorbet with Persimmon Chips

This post is part of Foodbuzz’s November Healthbuzz series focusing on cooking with lactose-free milk. So, I’ve had this book for about seven years now.  It’s called “Charlie Trotter’s Desserts.”  Ever heard of it?  It’s beautiful.  And for seven years, I’ve looked through the drool-inducing photos, read the recipes…and haven’t made a dang thing. I’ve … Continue reading

True Decadence: Vanilla Dessert Sauce with a Secret Ingredient!

Wow.  I can’t stop licking my spoon right now.  Must stop and write post.  Oooh, but let’s just take another look… Whoever said vanilla was too boring?  😉 As the Healthbuzz Featured Health Editor for November, I’m tinkering with some lactose-free recipes, and tried lactose-free milk for the first time today.  First impression was holy … Continue reading

Pumpkin Milkshakes + Homemade Pumpkin Puree

Inspired by Monica’s guest post on Pumpkin Palette Pleasers, I set out to make a few new dishes with pumpkin as the main feature.  Seeking convenience over making it from scratch, I became a little miffed that two out of two grocery stores I visited ran out of pumpkin puree (there was “pumpkin pie filling,” … Continue reading