My Greenwell Farms Kona Coffee Buzz

We flew to Kona on the Big Island this past weekend, and being the coffee lover that I am, could not pass up the chance of visiting one of the many coffee farms this side of the island.  So I dragged P along for the ride, ending up at Greenwell Farms, located in Kealakekua, near … Continue reading

Coffee Granita and Grounds for Thought

How many of us think about where our food comes from?  Ignorance is bliss.  Like that one time, years back, when I ate veal and later discovered how veal was actually raised.  Needless to say, I haven’t eaten it ever since.  More and more, I find myself questioning the origins of the food on my … Continue reading

Good morning, Mocha Java

*Sigh.*  How I heart Saturday mornings.  Unlike Sunday, where you wake up and think, “Ay, tomorrow’s Monday, I gotta finish up everything I didn’t get to on Saturday,” I get to be a little more slow-paced today.  It’s kinda windy, not good for surfing conditions.  Basically, the wind displaces the energy in the waves and … Continue reading