Ginger-Buttermilk Sorbet with Persimmon Chips

This post is part of Foodbuzz’s November Healthbuzz series focusing on cooking with lactose-free milk. So, I’ve had this book for about seven years now.  It’s called “Charlie Trotter’s Desserts.”  Ever heard of it?  It’s beautiful.  And for seven years, I’ve looked through the drool-inducing photos, read the recipes…and haven’t made a dang thing. I’ve … Continue reading

True Decadence: Vanilla Dessert Sauce with a Secret Ingredient!

Wow.  I can’t stop licking my spoon right now.  Must stop and write post.  Oooh, but let’s just take another look… Whoever said vanilla was too boring?  😉 As the Healthbuzz Featured Health Editor for November, I’m tinkering with some lactose-free recipes, and tried lactose-free milk for the first time today.  First impression was holy … Continue reading

Macaron (and other fine desserts) hunt in Tokyo

Pistachio macaron with pistachio cream, topped with fresh berries at Laduree in Ginza Oh, I’m sure you all are thinking, “What in the world?!  She’s a dietitian, and she’s eating that?” Yes, I am.  And no, I don’t feel guilty about it either.  So there!  To me, there is no such thing as a “perfect” … Continue reading

Spicy Chocolate-Covered Apple Bananas

Here’s a simple recipe you can make if you’re craving a frozen dessert, but wanting a little more, fruit-wise.  Here in Hawaii, we have apple bananas which are about half the size of regular bananas.  I also find them to have more flavor even though they’re less sweet, and they’re more firm which makes them … Continue reading

Yogurt Panna Cottas with Honey

Panna cotta is one of those things that is so easy to make, that if it takes you longer than 10 minutes of preparation, then something’s seriously gone awry.  I’ve been on a panna cotta craze ever since hubby and I dined at Town the other week.  I tried whipping it up without a recipe, … Continue reading

Just a little dressed up…

Yep, I’m using whipping cream here.  All foods fit into a healthy lifestyle, but moderation is key.  Of course you shouldn’t eat whipped cream regularly, but if you’re making it while having a few people over for dinner, it’s okay to have a small dollop with some sweet, juicy strawberries.  And enjoy it.  To reduce … Continue reading

Tan and Nutty Blondies

No, it’s not because I let these bask out in the sun for a few hours after baking (although it is a rather nice day out today).  These blondies are “tan” with the addition of a little reduced-fat peanut butter, my secret to cutting the fat instead of using melted butter, but still resulting in … Continue reading

Cinnamon & Raisin Bread Pudding

I’m a bread pudding convert.  For years, I stayed away from it because it just didn’t sound right to me to have soggy bread as a dessert, plus it seemed to have so many unnecessary calories and fat from all the butter and whole milk.  I’m not sure when the change came, but I remember … Continue reading

Caramelized Cinnamon Flan

My friend Karen is staying with us this week, on one of her annual business trips to Hawaii.  It’s always fun when she comes – we hang out at the beach, talk about food, and cook together (our significant others always reap the benefits).  I made dinner last night because her flight came in later … Continue reading

Caramelized Banana Ice Cream

Happy New Year!  I hope everyone had a fantastic New Year’s spent with their loved ones.  I haven’t been cooking as much this past week, partly because I was in a cooking/baking frenzy Christmas week and wanted a break.  But now, I’m back in full swing! So here’s my first post for 2009.  I wish … Continue reading