Rosemary Shortbread Cookies

A few years ago, my friend Phi made rosemary cookies and I remembered they were so good.  They were slightly addicting!  Who knew rosemary would work so well in a cookie?  I wanted to recreate the shortbread using an old recipe for my Earl Grey tea cookies, this time using rosemary instead of Earl Grey … Continue reading

Whole-wheat chocolate chip cookies

The holiday baking commences!  This year, I have a lot to bake for.  It’s my last week in rehab, so I wanted to make chocolate chip cookies, a therapist’s favorite.  I adapted Alice Currah’s recipe for that, since she promises they’re the best cookies ever.  Yes, a healthy diet means you can indulge and have … Continue reading

Earl Grey Tea Cookies

Each day, I try to brew a cup of tea in the afternoon and have a little “me” time.  Life has been quite hectic these days, and in the midst of moving and finishing up a lot of work, I’m trying to take some time to just….breathe. Enter in my Earl Grey tea cookies!  I … Continue reading

Good Ol’ Sugar Cookies

It’s not that often you run across a cookie recipe that uses canola oil instead of butter for the fat, due to fears involving taste, texture, and moisture, but I found one!  This sugar cookie recipe comes by way of The Gourmet Cookbook, by Ruth Reichl, and is perfection in a sugar cookie.  I really … Continue reading

Lemon Tea Cookies From a Good Friend

They say that who your friends are reflect a part of yourself, and for me, I think that’s so true.  When I think of my friends Phi and Karen, who we are and what we do are so similar that sometimes it’s plain scary.  Phi has been my sistah-friend since the third grade, and back … Continue reading

Cocoa Fudge Cookies

There’s just some recipes that you always go back to, and these cookies are what I like to make when that chocolate craving hits.  I first made these when my brother came to visit us last year, and he took such amazing pics of my food, that when I made these again, I figured, hey, … Continue reading

Sour cherry and lemon madeleines

I love classic French cookies.  LOVE them.  When I was younger and still my aunt’s favorite niece (actually, I still am – no offense, cousins), she taught me how to bake cinnamon palmiers, which were always gone in a flash.  And French macaroons – I’m not talking about those sweetened coconut balls, but those melt-in-your-mouth … Continue reading